Feb 22, 2016


Giving a false impression that I am busy with sth while I should be busy by going thru some photos of places I miss thanks to some Taiwanese variety shows I watch while procrastinating. Midterms are coming this week, and I have two homeworks, a group report due this week plus 2 midterms. I'm kinda brave ain't I, for going out shopping with my roomie yesterday.

Anyway, as I announced earlier I will release these photos really slowly cos I didn't wanna ruin these memories by doing some harsh editing and it's really nice to always have great memories to review. Jingtong (菁摐) is the last station of the Pingxi railway, and I personally liked it more than Shihfen cos it's got its own charms / less tourists. The wooden postcard we sent arrived home 2 or 3 weeks later, slightly longer than we expected but it's nice to get it back in our hands.

Sometimes I'm really scared how people might find out about this space. I dreamed of being a writer when I was really young cos it feels great to be able to share my feelings with the others through words. I didn't know how the shyness and fear crept in and overtook such confidence, possibly due to the change in writing language or I am starting to grow more selfish to share my thoughts. I remember how my old friend discovered me on Instagram and made me feel so insecure that I had to start posting and captioning in an unsettling way. Life's hard when you think too much and hence the birth of this space for me to dump some unhelpful worries I have in my little brain.

Reverted the blog template to a super basic one, I guess this suits me better.

Place covered: Jingtong Station.
All photos taken with Nikon Df + 50mm f/1.4 and processed in Lightroom5.


  1. beautiful photos as always :-)
    i have this weird feeling about old acquaintances finding me on social media as well :/
    i feel like they are more judgemental and not accepting so them knowing what im up me makes me uncomfortable lol

    1. I totally agree with that... It's almost like you're removing your outer shell and revealing the true self kind of insecurity :< I fear that so much it feels really weird for them to know I'm living a dual-identity life -almost like Hannah Montana lol
      Anyway, continue to stay cool I love your works!
