Not talking about the band here, but how I am spending my weekend.
It's almost too painful for exchange students to be grounded at home doing homework and catching up with classes. UC Berkeley surely isn't forgiving and not really giving us a lot of time to have fun. I spent yesterday finishing a homework (plus roaming on the internet distracting myself) and hopped on a 30-minute late bus to San Francisco. There was a huge crowd (I believe it will only grow bigger on the coming weekend with One Republic and Alicia Keys on the stage) and I love how I am a part of them again. I was alone but not feeling lonely. I was shivering in the cold wind when I got off the bus, I took wrong directions and was relieved when I got my hot chocolate from Blue Bottle. I threw myself back into the crowd and got my camera out. I sat on an empty seat and found the lady next to me talking to me. I received a pair of gloves from her and I told her: "You know what, this will never happen back in my country." We watched the fireworks together (with her husband too), and it feels like warm magic. I strolled along the Bay Bridge again before getting on the bus which seems like it's been waiting for me to go back. I missed my stop as I was too immersed in KK's voice, and eventually had to walk home. I'm already starting to look forward to the coming weekend. But first, this week's homework.
All photos taken with Nikon Df + 50mm f/1.4 lens and processed in Lightroom5.
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